Abundant World Day-November 18, 2015
Music: "Waves - Afternoon" by Valdis Krebs.
Contemplation in Open Source Economic Development with Betsey Merkel, Platform and Digital Design Strategist, Co-Founder & Director, Institute for Open Economic Networks (I-Open) in Cleveland, Ohio USA.
Our Focus: A set of simple Principles to guide anyone willing to grasp the new opportunities before us.
Our Purpose: To crystalize communities of people observing a set of simple principles based on the thoughtful development of creative abundance for the advancement of future generations.
Say out loud or contemplate one or more Principles in your daily work:
I-Open Principles
We have a simple vision: We will leave to future generations a regional economy that is creative, innovative and sustainable with opportunities for any individual prepared to grasp them.
We are pursuing a simple strategy: Brainpower matters. Regions will be transformed by open networks of innovation and collaboration with colleges, universities, libraries and schools as nodes in these networks.
We have a simple credo: We will prosper by treating each other in ways that build respect and trust.
We have a simple purpose: I-Open will help facilitate the transformation that is already underway in our region. We will teach and share the best ideas we can find to build open innovation networks in our region.
Our Purpose: To crystalize communities of people observing a set of simple principles based on the thoughtful development of creative abundance for the advancement of future generations.
Say out loud or contemplate one or more Principles in your daily work:
I-Open Principles
We have a simple vision: We will leave to future generations a regional economy that is creative, innovative and sustainable with opportunities for any individual prepared to grasp them.
We are pursuing a simple strategy: Brainpower matters. Regions will be transformed by open networks of innovation and collaboration with colleges, universities, libraries and schools as nodes in these networks.
We have a simple credo: We will prosper by treating each other in ways that build respect and trust.
We have a simple purpose: I-Open will help facilitate the transformation that is already underway in our region. We will teach and share the best ideas we can find to build open innovation networks in our region.
Find a comfortable place to contemplate these simple Principles in Open Source Economic Development and ignite the entrepreneurial passion that resides deep within you. Add your comments to the conversation below.