Strategic Activities
I-Open Strategic Activities – focus on a set of tasks and pragmatic next steps to engineer civic experiences and orchestrate communications. I-Open trains individuals, organizations, and businesses how to bring a renewed sense of pragmatism to their work building networks and enterprise in Open Source Economic Development (OSED).
- Research. – Create and grow a portfolio of actionable hypotheses about open innovation systems in regional economies.
- Networks. – Develop collaborative networks that accelerate regional economic development.
- Enterprise. – Create and market a portfolio of products and services that generate revenues from regional economic development initiatives.
- Education. – Penetrate business and public policy schools with advanced regional economic development curriculum and activities.
Support I-Open
Ensure education, economic and workforce development services such as knowledge sharing, communications and engagement for a network of community and economic developers. Send your donation to I-Open by clicking on the secure PayPal donate button below.
Ensure education, economic and workforce development services such as knowledge sharing, communications and engagement for a network of community and economic developers. Send your donation to I-Open by clicking on the secure PayPal donate button below.